Impact Of Globalization On Society: 10 Pros And Cons

impact of globalization on society

Today, in the world, the process of globalization has been taking place extremely strongly and has a great impact on all aspects of society such as economy, tourism, culture and politics. Globalization has brought many benefits to countries, but it also brings negative effects. In this article, we will learn together about the pros and cons of the impact of globalization on society.

Let’s started with!

What Is The Globalization?

Globalization describes the interdependence of many cultures, populations, and economies around the world. It is the result of international trade. The most common components of this activity include technology, goods, investment, information, and services, as well as the labor market. For decades, countries have developed global integration by enabling economic, political, and social relationships.

Humans traveled to remote areas in ancient times to settle, trade in goods, and produce food and raw materials. Trains, steamships, and the telegraph paved the way for global participation and integration through economic cooperation between nations in the early nineteenth century. World Wars I and II, postwar protectionism, and the Great Depression all had an impact on global trade. Many countries have been affected economically, and competition is increasing between different countries. Today, thanks to the advancement of technology and the proliferation of means of transport, the same endeavor has improved. It only takes a few minutes to contact a buyer when someone wants to sell a product overseas.

The recovery of international trade is tied to specific US efforts. They began to popularize their investment model while preaching the benefits of cross-border trade to people all over the world. They promote investment to revive a weakening domestic economy government and are committed to making their natural resources tradable. At the same time, they allow the construction of infrastructure to improve transportation.

When ordinary people had access to the Internet around the world in the 1990s, the term gained popularity. Globalization refers to cross-border trade as well as cross-border investments. Multinational institutions have established a worldwide system for managing economic interactions according to agreed rules. The concept was developed to facilitate cross-cultural cooperation and avoid conflict escalating into unmanageable issues. Among the well-known INGOs and NGOs are the IMF, World Bank, WTO, United Nations, and NATO.

Advantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society

Advantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society
Advantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society

Some countries have benefited greatly from globalization. It is the reason for these countries’ rapid growth and development, as people invest in these countries to improve their infrastructure, technology, and total output. The following are some of the positive impact of globalization on society.

1. Eradication Of Poverty

This is the first positive impact of globalization on society.

Prior to globalization, poor countries had an abundance of resources that they did not know how to employ. Their populace was also ignorant, and there were no roads or modes of transportation. As foreigners established in these countries, people realized the importance of education and living standards. As a result, locals attended schools created by the settlers and obtained employment in their businesses and industries. Some went on to further their studies in other nations. By applying new knowledge, they were able to enhance their families’ living conditions.

Because of globalization, enterprises founded by locals in several developing countries are now big competitors to those from wealthy countries. Although the fight against poverty is far from over, tremendous progress has been made.

2. Develop Education

Globalization has made it possible for education to carry out in-depth research. Most advanced countries have state-of-the-art schools and training facilities. They encourage international students to study there. While it is simply a business endeavor, students from developing countries see this as an opportunity to gain more education and skills to use in their work. Investors from developed countries settle abroad with their families, and they want their children to go to prestigious schools. As a result, they donate to local schools, improve curricula, and hire talented teachers.

Many countries have very advanced secondary schools and universities that do it this way. There is no need to move to rich countries to get an education as it is widely available in these countries. Globalization has a positive impact on education in poor countries. Most governments of developing countries offer free training courses to encourage parents to educate their children. Because of globalization, education is mandatory in most emerging countries because investors and traders will struggle to hire locals without it.

3. Transfer Technology

Transfer Technology

Another impact of globalization on society is the new technology from foreign.

Globalization has aided in the dissemination of technology to poorer countries. Some foreigners and investors who struck a deal with individuals from underdeveloped countries needed to communicate with them and exchange thoughts and information. The most efficient method was to use current technologies. It has been extremely beneficial to individuals in poor countries. Most of them can buy and sell items at affordable prices online.

They collaborate remotely with businesses in industrialized countries. Interaction with individuals via social media, the Internet, and other platforms has opened up new avenues for improving living standards. The media coverage has drawn a large number of volunteers from affluent countries. As a result, most people can meet their basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and medicines.

4. Infrastructure Development

Foreign Investment

Because of technology growth and its global dissemination, it is possible to strengthen a country’s infrastructure. Countries are better able to provide services to their citizens. Infrastructure development equates to overall country development. It is vital to state here that economic expansion and infrastructural development are mutually beneficial.

5. Foreign Investment


Globalization created a demand for people from wealthy countries to invest in underdeveloped countries. Foreign investment is one of the outcomes of globalization, which has resulted in numerous developments in various countries. Some investors, for example, desire raw resources and items to be transported to industry and market more quickly. The only way to accomplish this is to assist each government in the development of effective infrastructure.

Locals are employed by these industries and businesses that have been formed in their country. Investors help the economy by paying taxes to the government. They assist with the improvement of institutions such as schools and hospitals through government agencies, which benefits the locals and their families.

Disadvantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society

Disadvantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society
Disadvantages Of Impact Of Globalization On Society

Although globalization has provided numerous positive impacts on society, it has also had some detrimental consequences.

1. Unemployment

This is the first negative impact of globalization on society.

Until globalization took hold in practically all emerging nations, more than half of the working population relied on informal jobs in sectors. Technology innovation has diminished such jobs while increasing the global demand for trained professionals. The majority of people in developing countries lack skills, and accessible employment is low-paying due to increased demand induced by globalization.

The majority of individuals are unemployed and unable to meet their basic necessities, which leads to an increase in criminal activities such as burglary, pickpocketing, murder, and drug usage. The rate of unemployment and poverty continues to rise as the wealth disparity increases.

2. Culture Abandonment

Every group, civilization, or nation has its own set of values and beliefs, which are referred to as its culture. They are necessary because they shape the accepted behavior of people in a specific group. The elders or leaders guarantee that the people follow moral guidelines. Globalization, on the other hand, mingled various civilizations. Then individuals reassessed their original rules and customs relating to their primordial civilization. Some developing-country nations absorb the Western culture and abandon their own.

Because they are seen as backward and primitive by international society, community leaders can no longer pursue their own domestic policy of punishing citizens for crimes they commit. They embrace a culture that is rather weird and remote from their nature; as a result of such policies, people act in ways that are contrary to actual rules. As a result, crime is on the rise, with rape, divorce, and domestic violence on the rise. This is a terrible impact of globalization on society.

3. Increase In Diseases

Increase In Diseases

Globalization has increased the consumption of processed foods and the use of pesticides in farming to shorten growth times and boost profits. To profit from the trade, animals such as cows are fed drugs that make them produce more milk or gain weight for those sold for meat. Chronic diseases are on the rise due to increased chemical intake from meals. The death rate is high. Furthermore, life expectancy is decreasing in poorer countries.

And also because of globalization, it has made the Covid-19 disease a global pandemic and it is very difficult to prevent the spread.

4. WorkPlace Displacement

This is the big impact of globalization on society which is considered by each person anh each family.

Because of globalization, there are job chances all throughout our vast world. However, most people have had to abandon their families for long periods of time while working abroad. Couples have divorced and remarried as a result, leaving destitute children at the mercy of volunteers and shelters. Some children have been unable to meet the needs of their aging parents due to insufficient earnings from their jobs. Many elderly die as a result of illnesses and a lack of financial and emotional assistance from their offspring.

5. Increase Environmental Pollution

As a result of globalization, the rate of industrialization is quickening. Industrialization promotes economic prosperity while also harming the environment. Globalization devastates the environment and causes significant harm to humans.

Let’s have a look at an example to help us understand. Coca-Cola is the world’s largest soft drink corporation. This corporation uses a lot of water to make soft drinks. A Coca-Cola bottle facility in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was shuttered by government order due to excessive water usage claimed by local farmers.

The amount of groundwater in North India is quite low, yet massive use of this water for the benefit of an MNC is particularly damaging to home farming.

In Kerala, a southern Indian state, a Coca-Cola facility was also shut down due to pollution of the water supply to the local residents.

Furthermore, MNCs make considerable use of diverse countries’ natural resources for personal gain.

Various chemical businesses endanger human health by polluting the earth, water, and air.


Globalization has always been the trend of all periods. Thanks to globalization, countries around the world have the opportunity to cooperate and develop. It helps change all aspects of the world and society. However, globalization also brings negative effects. Therefore, there should be a balance and appropriate political policies and measures to limit the harms and promote the advantages of the impact of globalization on society.

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